The pickleball tournament in Western Cup XLI is run by Apollo Pickleball.
Get ready! Pickleball registration opens on February 1 at 9 AM MST.​​
The tournament will take place at the Calgary Pickleball Centre with the below play times:
Friday, April 18 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Saturday, April 19 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
This year’s tournament, "Le Grande Double Dill", is a two-day doubles tournament extravaganza. The tournament has expanded this year to 16 teams.
Friday will be the round robin seeding event. After the round robin event, teams will be seeded based off their round robin record into either the Cornichons Pool, a.k.a. "A" division, or Gherkin Pool, a.k.a. "B" division, for Saturday’s playoffs.
Saturday will be the playoffs and medal rounds for the two divisions.
Player fees are approximately $150 plus processing fees.
Please note Pickleball at Western Cup 41 is for experienced players only; this is not a beginner event.
Please direct all questions to Apollo Pickleball through Todd Frisch, Pickleball Tournament Director at apollopickleball@gmail.com.